Lean Six Sigma Consulting

Normalize and smooth out your business cycles to dispose of waste and further develop benefit.
Utilizing demonstrated Lean Six Sigma techniques, KVJM accomplices with you to convey high-esteem process enhancements that benefit your whole association.

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Build Value-Driven, Streamlined Business Processes

Get additional worth from your business cycles and innovation with KVJM’s worth-centered way of dealing with Lean Six Sigma best practices.

Our accomplished advisors work with you to configure cycles and tasks that work on your current advancements, divert existing assets, and guarantee purchases across the association.

We help you:

  • Decline expenses and increment income.
  • Smooth out and mechanize business cycles to decrease intricacy.
  • Effectively complete or recuperate your innovation execution.
  • Resolve creation bottlenecks.
  • Fulfill stock needs proficiency.
  • Improve investigation and information permeability.
  • Recognizing robotization potential opens doors for more noteworthy effectiveness.

Our lean Six Sigma Consulting Experience

When you join forces with KVJM, you get many years of involvement, profound skills with Lean Six Sigma procedures, and expert innovation ability to direct your change.

Your Partners for Business Process Success

Our counseling group incorporates ensured Lean Six Sigma Dark Belts and Green Belts, numerous with north than 20 years of involvement with Business Cycle Planning. Our worth-centered approach empowers us to work on existing advances by streamlining business processes and diverting existing assets.

The KVJM Difference

Based on a groundwork of respectability, trustworthiness, and quality, we carry both profundity and experience to settle your most squeezing business and innovation challenges.

Our comprehensive methodology permits us to grasp your business and distinguish tweaked arrangements in light of your necessities. Through business process improvement and changing the board system, we guarantee that your business runs efficiently and that the individuals’ side of your innovation reception is practical.

Achieving Real Results for our Clients

Retail Industry: Worldwide retail maker with tasks in North America, Europe, and Asia.

Challenge: Archive and examine business cycles and occupation jobs that perform errands in Microsoft D365 and O9 frameworks.

Arrangement: KVJM was locked in for business process planning for ERP-SCM executions in North America, Hong Kong, and the UK.

Results: KVJM reported present status and future-state business cycles and occupation jobs, caught and examined Change Effect Evaluations for each process, gave an interaction fit evaluation to future-state cycles and arrangements, and helped with planning security jobs, preparing educational programs, and preparing materials.

Wipe out Squander, Lift Effectiveness, and Change Your Business

At the point when assets are restricted, and there’s no time to waste, wasteful business cycles can wreck your task or execution.

KVJM’s Lean Six Sigma counseling administrations engage you to smooth out, normalize, and robotize business cycles to help esteem and limit risk. By adopting a lean strategy for business process planning and innovation execution, we assist you with distinguishing high-esteem valuable open doors, decreasing waste, and carrying out long-haul frameworks for checking and controlling effective creation processes.

Our association-based approach conveys the following:

  • Profound innovation ability.
  • Composed business process audit/improvement with innovation execution.
  • Cross-practical procedures to guarantee purchase and arrangement across business and IT groups.
  • Best-fit answers for helping your unique plan of action.
  • Innovation freethinker proposals.

 Achieve Your Goals Faster with Lean Six Sigma

As your Lean Six Sigma accomplice, we assist you with taking advantage of chances for robotization, permeability improvements, risk relief, human resources allotment, item satisfaction, and productivity streamlining. Our business way of dealing with business planning and cycle change keeps cycles and partners adjusted across the association.

This is the way we make it happen:

  1. Recognize Center Business Cycles – We make an interaction stock and combine cycles into explicit capabilities.
  2. Foster Cycle Guides – Interaction maps give a hierarchical setting and characterize each interaction’s essential components and critical exercises.
  3. Distinguish and Focus on Progress Regions – Given the organization’s objectives and course, we recognize improvement open doors and make an activity plan.
  4. Foster Improvement Guide – We create a guide for carrying out process enhancements close by innovation upgrades, and we proactively impart changes to partners